Services we provide
Pediatric OT helps children develop skills for daily activities. We provide assessment and intervention to for developmental delays, neurological conditions and learning difficulties to name a few.

1 and half hour assessment consisting of standardised and non-standardized assessments.
We get a good picture of the individual's overall functioning and areas to work on.
This includes:
A full report (outlining your son's strengths, areas to work on, and our recommendations)
1 hour feedback meeting with you to discuss the report, usually within a week after the assessment.
The duration and content of the assessment differs for different age group- contact us for more information.
​​The Evaluation Ayres Sensory Integration (EASI) is a new assessment tool being developed to use to evaluate Sensory Integration difficulties and dysfunction.
It is a new diagnostic, and descriptive assessment tool, based on the work of Jean Ayres, that has been developed to assess the key functions of sensory integration.he influence of culture, language, comprehension and prior experience was minimised as far as possible and the EASI has norms based on the performance of children internationally.
Final norms will be based on between 6500-7000 children from over 60 countries. South Africa formed part of the International Normative Data Collection process which means that a representative sample of our children is included in the norms, which makes it a much fairer and just test to use for South African children.

Visual assessment and intervention
Does your child have visual difficulties? Are they struggling with reading and writing?
We assess this using standardised and non-standerdized assessments that include:
Visual perceptual assessment
Occular motor control
Occular motor praxis
Visual tracking skills
Want to learn more- here are some links to interesting and insightful reading.